New Europe College

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Found books: 1 - 5 (total 5 t: a: ).

1. Institute of History "N.Iorga", Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania; The Goldstein-Goren Center. Diaspora Research Institute, Tel Aviv University, Israel
The Jews in the Romanian History: Papers from the International Symposium, Bucharest September 30 - October 4, 1996/ Coordinator: Ion Stanciu; Translation: Ioan Petru Vascan, Raluca Taras
Silex, 1996, Bucuresti , (carte) 248p., ISBN 973-9356-09-5
Topics (ro): istoria României - evrei; evrei - România - istorie
Topics (en): hisrtory of Romania - Jews, the; Jews, the - Romania - history
Position: Vh.812-STA UDC: 323.1
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Romanian Academy 'A.D. Xenopol' Institute of History; Ciobanu, Veniamin [Ed.]
Europe and the Porte: New Documents on the Eastern Question. vol. X: Swedish diplomatic reports 1830-1835/edited by Veniamin Ciobanu
Editura Academiei Romane, 2018, Bucuresti , (carte) 447p., ISBN 978-973-27-2932-8
Topics (ro): Imperiul Otoman- relatii externe - Suedia - 1830-1835 - documente
Topics (en): Ottoman Empire, the - external relations - Sweden - 1830-1935 - documente
Position: H.163-CIO/1 UDC: 327(560.4)''1830/1835''(093.2)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Romanian Academy 'A.D. Xenopol' Institute of History; Ciobanu, Veniamin [Ed.]
Europe and the Porte: New Documents on the Eastern Question. vol. VII: Swedish Diplomatic Reports, 1811-1814/ Edited by Veniamin Ciobanu in collaboration with Leonidas Rados and Alexandru Istrate
Editura Junimea, 2009, Iasi , (carte) 268p., ISBN 978-973-37-1353-1
Topics (ro): Imperiul Otoman- relatii externe - Suedia -1811-1814 - documente
Topics (en): Ottoman Empire, the - external relations - Sweden - 1811-1814- documents
Position: H.163-CIO UDC: 327(560:4)''17''; 94(560:4)''17''
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Romanian Academy; "A.D. Xenopol" Institute of History
Sovietization in Romania and Czechoslovakia: History, Analogies, Consequences/ Romanian Academy; "A.D. Xenopol" Institute of History; edited by Alexandru Zub & Flavius Solomon in cooperation with Oldrich Tuma & Jiri Jindra
Polirom, Fundatia Academica "A.D. Xenopol", 2003, Iasi, Bucuresti , (carte) 232p., ISBN 973-681-426-2
Topics (ro): istorie - sovietizare - consecinte - România; sovietizare - istoriografie - cultura - România si Cehoslovacia; politica - relatii internationale - România - Cehoslovacia; rezistenta - sistem represiv - minoritati etnice
Topics (en): history - sovietization - consequences - Romania; sovietization - historiography - culture - Romania and Czechoslovakia; politics - international relations - Romania - Czechoslovakia; resistence - repressive system - ethnic minorities
Position: Vh.62-ZUB UDC: 94(47:498+437.1/.2)
Series: Bibliotheca Historiae Universalis; 4
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Romanian Academy; Institute of Sociology; Association of Romanian Sociologists
Romanian Journal of Sociology/ Romanian Academy, Institute of Sociology, Association of Romanian Sociologists; Editor in chief: Ioan Mihailescu
Ars Docendi Publishing House, 2006, Bucuresti , (periodic) 132p., ISSN 1220-3688
Topics (ro): sociologie - nationalitate si filosofie; revista de sociologie - studii empirice - viata rurala
Topics (en): sociology - nationality and philosophy; journal of sociology - empirical studies - rural life
Position: Periodic UDC: 316.32