New Europe College

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1. Parusi, Gheorghe
Cronica Bucurestilor intocmita, din document si sentiment/ de Gheorghe Parusi
Compania, 2005, Bucuresti , (carte) 312 p., ISBN 973-7841-05-0
Topics (ro): Bucuresti - istorie - arhitectura - documente - 1512 - 1947; Bucuresti - cronica documentara - cronica sentimentala
Topics (en): Bucharest - history - architecture - documents - 1512 - 1947; Bucharest - documentar chronicle - sentimental chronicle
Position: Vua-BUC-Par UDC: 94(498 Buc)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Parusi, Gheorghe
Cronologia Bucurestilor: 20 septembrie 1459 - 31 decembrie 1989: Zilele, faptele, oamenii Capitalei de-a lungul a 530 de ani/ Gheorghe Parusi
Compania, 2007, Bucuresti , (carte) 895p., ISBN 978-973-7841-45-2
Topics (ro): istoria Bucurestilor - cronologia Bucurestilor - 1459-1989
Topics (en): history of Bucharest - cronology of Bucharest - 1459-1989
Position: Vua-BUC-Par UDC: 94(498Bucuresti)"1459/1989"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC