Barn och ungdom i affischer: Paul Lipschutz samling. Ett tematiskt urval = Children and Youth in Posters: The Paul Lipschutz Poster Collection. A Thematic Selection/ [by Paul Lipschutz]; [editor: Janna Herder]
Raster Vörlag Kungl. biblioteket = National Library of Sweden, 2008, Stockholm
, (album) 223p., ISBN 978-91-7000-267-0
Topics (ro): copii si tineret in afise - reproduceri color; grafica - afis - sec.XX - Colectia Paul Lipschutz Topics (en): children and youth in posters - colored reproductions; graphic art - poster - 20th c. - Paul Lipschutz Collection | | Position: U.17-LIP (2)
UDC: 769(100)"19"(084.1)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC |