New Europe College

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1. Abbey Lincoln, Charlie Haden, Michel Legrand, Alan & Marilyn Bergman, Morgan Lewis, Jacques Larue, Nancy Hamilton, Thad Jones, Randy Weston, Jon Hendricks, Francis Lai, Pierre Barouh, Norman Gimbel
Abbey Lincoln
Polydor France, 1990, Fran�›a , (CD-album)
Topics (ro): Jazz, Abbey Lincoln
Topics (en): Jazz, Abbey Lincoln
Position: VI/M-13654 UDC: 785.16

2. Abd al Razzak; Franklin, William
Voyages de la Perse dans l'Inde, et du Bengal en Perse, le premier traduit du persan [d'Abd al Razzak], le second de l'anglais [de William Franklin], avec une Notice sur les révolutions de la Perse, un Mémoire historique sur Perdépolis, et des notes par L. Langlès, Tome premier
De l'Imprimédie de Chapelet, An VI - 1798, A Paris , (carte) cxxxj, 241p.
Topics (ro): relatari de calatorie - din Persia in India - din Bengal in Persia; carte veche - carte rara
Topics (en): travelling accounts travel stories - from Persia to India - from Bengal to Persia; ancient book - rare books
Position: MT/A-4559 UDC: 820-992
Series: Collection portative de voyages; Tome 2nd

3. Abel, Elizabeth [Ed.]; Showalter, Elaine; Jacobus, Mary; Homans, MArgaret; Gubar, Susan; Vickers, Nancy J.; Auerbach, Nina; Zeitlin, Froma I.; Kolodny, Annette; [...]
Writing and Sexual Difference/ Edited by Elizabeth Abel
The University of Chicago Press, 1982, Chicago and London , (carte) 315p., ISBN 0-226-00076-1
Topics (ro): literatura - feminism; critica feminista; creativitate feminina; gen; identitate feminina; romanul lesbian in limba engleza; femeile si literatura
Topics (en): literature - feminism; feminism criticism; female creativity; gender; female identity; lesbian novel in English; women and literature
Position: T.3-ABE UDC: 82:396
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Abell, Peter; Boyne, Roy; Calhoun, Craig; Cohen, Ira J.; Connor, Steven; Delanty, Gerard; Elliott, Anthony; Faubion, James D.; Lechner, Frank J.; Lovell, Terry; Turner, Bryan S.; [...]
The Blackwell Companion to Social Theory / Edited by Bryan S. Turner
Blackwell Publishers, 2000, Malden, MA - Oxford , (carte) xx, 570 p., ISBN 0-631-21366-x (pbk)
Topics (ro): stiinte sociale - filosofie; sociologie - filosofie; teorie sociala - functionalism - structuralism - analiza sociala si culturala; sociologie - fenomenologie; sociologie culturala; feminism; postmodernism; sociologie istorica; intelectuali - sfera public
Topics (en): social sciences - philosophy; sociology - philosophy; social theory - functionalism - structuralism - social and cultural analysis; sociology - phenomenology; cultural sociology; feminism; postmodernism; historical sociology; intellectuals - public sphere
Position: L.01-TUR UDC: 316
Series: Blackwell Companions to Sociology
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Abercrombie, Nicholas; Berman, Marshall; Bürger, Christa; Bürger, Peter; Burke, Peter; Featherstone, Mike; Friedman, Jonathan; Hoffmann-Axthelm, Dieter; Jay, Martin; Kellner, Douglas; Lash, Scott; Rorty, Richard; [...]
Modernity and Identity/ Edited by Scott Lash and Jonathan Friedman
Blackwell, 1992, Oxford, U.K.; Cambridge, U.S.A. , (carte) VIII, 380 p., ISBN 0-631-17586-5
Topics (ro): postmodernism; civilizatie moderna - identitate de grup; modernism - modernitatea celuilalt; subiectivitate - celalalt; cosmopolitism; cultura populara - identitati postmoderne; alteritate
Topics (en): postmodernism; modern civilization - group identity; modernism - the other's modernity; subjectivity - the other; cosmopolitanism; popular culture - postmodern identities; alterity
Position: Sa.1-LAS UDC: 303.4:008"19"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Abiven, M.; Fraisse, A.; Guy-Gillet, G.; Javary, C.; Jeze, F.; Maman, A.; Millerand, Y.; Roux, F.; Schnetzler, J.-P.; Souzenelle, A. de; Tardan-Masquelier, Y.; Tomatis, P.; Vigne, J.
Passages, seuils, mutations/ Directrice de rédaction: Y. Tardan-Masquelier
Dervy-Livres, 1996, Paris , (carte) 254p., ISBN 2-85076-752-2
Topics (ro): yoga - trecere - praguri - mutatii; nasterea - viata - moartea
Topics (en): Yoga - passage - thresholds - mutations; birth - life - death
Position: MT/B-398 UDC: 294.5
Series: Revue française de Yoga; no 13
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Abulafia, Anna Sapir; Brundage, James A.; Bull, Marcus; Cole, Penny J.; Constable, Giles; Cowdrey, H. E. J.; Edgington, Susan; France, John; Housley, Norman; Luttrell, Anthony; Maier, Christoph T.; Marshall, Helen; Phillips, Jonathan; Powell, James M.; [.
The Experience of Crusading: Volume One: Western Approaches / Edited by Marcus Bull and Norman Housley
Cambridge University Press, 2003, Cambridge - New York , (carte) xvi, 308 p., ISBN 0-521-81168-6
Topics (ro): crestinism - razboi sfint - moralitate - Evul Mediu; istorie - cruciade - Evul Mediu; istorie medievala - religie - crestinism - cruciade; biserica catolica - cruciade - Evul Mediu
Topics (en): Christianity / Christianism - Holy war - morality - Middle Ages; history - Crusades - Middle Ages; medieval history - religion - Christianity / Christianism - Crusades; Catholic Church, the - Crusades - Middle Ages
Position: H.143-CAM (1) UDC: 940.1(4):22/28
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. Achleitner, Friedrich; Banik=Schweitzer, Renate; Blau, Eve; Boyd Whyte, Iain; Csáky, Moritz; Ferkai, András; Gerle, János; Herscher, Andrew; Krajci, Petr; Laslo, Aleksander; Maier, Charles S.; Mihelic, Breda; Pintilie, Ileana; Platzer, Monika; Purchla,
Shaping the Great City: Modern Architecture in Central Europe, 1890-1937 / Edited by Eve Blau and Monika Platzer; In association with the Bundesministerium für Unterricht und Kulturelle Angelegenheiten, Vienna, the Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal, and the Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles
Prestel-Verlag, 1999, Munich - London - New York , (carte) 272 p., ISBN 3-7913-2358-X
Topics (ro): arhitectura moderna - Europa Centrala - 1890-1937; arhitectura - spatiu cultural - Europa Centrala; urbanism - oras - Europa Centrala; modernitate si spatiu - arhitectura - Europa centrala
Topics (en): modern architecture - Central Europe - 1890-1937; architecture - cultural space - Central Europe; urban planning - city - Central Europe; modernity and space - architecture - Central Europe
Position: Ua.17-BLA UDC: 72.011
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. Ackerman, Ari; Feldman, Seymour; Fenton, Paul B.; Frank, Daniel H.; Harvey, Steven; Kogan, Barry S.; Kraemer, Joel L.; Langermann, Tzvi; Leaman, Oliver; Lorberbaum, Menachem; Manekin, Charles H.; Pessin, Sarah; Robinson, James T.; Rudavsky, T. M. [...]
The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Jewish Philosophy / Edited by Daniel H. Frank and Oliver Leaman
Cambridge University Press, 2003, Cambridge - New York , (carte) xxiv, 484 p., ISBN 0-521-65574-9 (pbk)
Topics (ro): filosofie iudaica - Evul Mediu; filosofie medievala - iudaism - istorie - Evul Mediu si epoca moderna timpurie (425-1789); filosofie medievala iudaica - iudaism biblic si rabinic; iudaism - neoplatonism; iudaism si sufism; gindire politica iudaica - Evul
Topics (en): Judaic philosophy - Middle Ages; Medieval philosophy - Judaism - history - Middle Ages and the early modern age, 425-1789; Judaic medieval philosophy - Biblical and Rabbinic Judaism; Judaism - neo-Platonism; Judaism and Suffism; Judaic political thinking
Position: A.11-FRA UDC: 141.3(=411.16)
Series: Cambridge Companions to Philosophy
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

10. Adams, Marilyn McCord; Chalmers, David; Courtenay, William J.; Freddoso, Alfred J.; Goddu, André; Karger, Elizabeth; Kilcullen, John; King, Peter; Klima, Gyula; McGrade, A. S.; [...]
The Cambridge Companion to Ockham / Edited by Paul Vincent Spade
Cambridge University Press, 1999, Cambridge - New York , (carte) xviii, 420 p., ISBN 0-521-58790-5 (pbk)
Topics (ro): filosofie politica - William, of Ockham, ca 1285-1349; filosofie medievala - scolastica - Ockham - Anglia; metafizica - nominalism - Ockham; ontologie - categorii - semantica - Ockham; filosofia naturii - Ockham; etica - Ockham; logica - cognitie - intuit
Topics (en): political philosophy - William, of Ockham, ca. 1285-1349; Medieval philosophy - scholasticism - Ockham - England; metaphysics - nominalism - Ockham; ontology - categories - semantics - Ockham; philosophy of nature - Ockham; ethics - Ockham; logic - cognit
Position: J.14-OCK-Spa UDC: 14*Ockham
Series: The Cambridge Companions to Philosophy
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

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