New Europe College

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1. Dempf, Alois [ filosof catolic german, 1891-1982]
Die Einheit der Wissenschaft / Alois Dempf
Verlag W. Kohlhammer, 1962, Stuttgart , (carte) 176p.
Topics (ro): filosofie - cultura - educatie; filosofie - teoria cunoasterii
Topics (en): philosophy - culture - education; philosophy - theory of knowledge
Position: MT/A-175; MT/A-970 UDC: 111.1
Series: Kohlhammer-Urban-Taschenbücher; 18

2. Dempf, Alois [ filosof catolic german, 1891-1982]
Selbstkritik der Philosophie und vergleichende Philosophiegeschichte im Umriss/ Alois Dempf
Thomas-Morus-Presse im Verlag Herder, 1947, Wien , (carte) xi, 347p.
Topics (ro): filosofie - istorie comparata a filosofiei; auto-critica filosofiei
Topics (en): philosophy - comparative history of philosophy; self-criticism of philosophy
Position: MT/A-375 UDC: 1((09)

3. Dempf, Alois [ filosof catolic german, 1891-1982]
Theoretische Anthropologie/ von Alois Dempf
A. Francke AG. Verlag, 1950, Bern , (carte) 248p.
Topics (ro): antropologie teoretica; filosofie moderna - antropologie speculativa; teoria respectului de sine; filosofia istoriei - critica ideologica; etica personala - etica sociala - umanismul integral
Topics (en): theoretical anthropology; modern philosophy - speculative anthropology; Self-esteem theory; philosophy of history - ideological criticism; personal ethics - social ethics - integral humanism
Position: MT/A-1001 UDC: 14:2
Series: Sammlung Dalp; 77

4. Dempf, Alois [ filosof catolic german, 1891-1982]
Religionsphilosophie/ Alois Dempf
Thomas-Verlag Jakob Hegner, MCMXXXVII [= 1937], Wien , (carte) 296p.
Topics (ro): filosofia religiei; religie si metafizica; religie si etica; religia si teoria sociala; religia si istoria filosofiei
Topics (en): philosophy of religion; religion and metaphysics; religion and ethics; religion and social theory; religion and history of philosophy
Position: MT/B-89 UDC: 2:14

5. Dempf, Alois [ filosof catolic german, 1891-1982]
Geistesgeschichte der altchristlichen Kultur
W. Kohlhammer Verlag, 1964, Stuttgart , (carte) 295p.
Topics (ro): crestinism; spiritualitate crestina; filosofie crestina; dogmatica crestina
Topics (en): Christianity; Christian spirituality; Christian philosophy; Christian dogma
Position: MT/B-713 UDC: 22/28