New Europe College

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1. Abaev, V. I.
A Grammatical Sketch of Ossetic/ By V. I. Abaev; Edited by Herbert H. Paper; Translated by Steven P. Hill
Indiana University, 1964, Bloomington , (carte) 134p.
Topics (ro): gramatica - limba osetiana
Topics (en): grammar - Ossetian/ Ossetic language
Position: DS/T-566 UDC: 811.1/.2
Series: Indiana University Research Center in Anthropology, Folklore, and Linguistics; Publication 35

2. Abakunova, Anna; Budz, Kateryna; Kulikov, Volodymyr; Osipian, Alexandr; Oylupinar, Huseyin; Terzyan, Aram; New Europe College (ed.)
New Europe College Black Sea Link Program: Yearbook 2012-2013/ The Holocaust and the Destruction of Romani in the World War II: Oral History Interpretations on the Deportations of Romani and Jews to Transnistria Governorate/ Anna Abakunova; Between God and Caesar: the Clandestine Ukrainian Greek Catholic Clergy in the Soviet State (1946-1989)/ Kateryna Budz; Foreign Entrepreneurs and Industrialization in South Russia in the late 19th and early 20th century/ Volodymyr Kulikov; Trans-cultural Trade in the Black Sea Region, 1250-1700: Integration of the Armenian Trading Diaspora in the Moldavian Principality/ Alexandr Osipian; History, Land and Collective Identity: Crimean Cossack and Crimean Tatar Contestation on Physical and Social Space/ Huseyin Oylupinar; New Dimensions of the European Union's Energy Security and the South Caucasus/ Aram Terzyan
New Europe College, 2014, Bucuresti , (anuar) 229p., ISSN 1584-0298
Topics (ro): deportare - WWII - rromi - evrei - Transnistria; preoti greco-catolici - Ucraina - Uniunea Sovietica; antreprenori straini - industrializare - Rusia - sec. XIX-XX; cazaci din Crimeea - tatari din Crimeea - istorie - conflict; Uniunea Europeana - politica
Topics (en): deportation - WWII - Roma - Jews - Transnistria; Greek Catholic clergy - Ukraine - Soviet Union; foreign entrepreneurs - industrialization - Russia - 19th-20th centuries; Crimean Cossacks - Crimean Tatars - history - conflict; European Union - energy poli
Position: Anuar UDC: 008(082.1)

3. Abaza, Mona
The Dialectics of Enlightenment, Barbarism and Islam/ Mona Abaza
NIAS, 2007, Wassenaar , (carte) 24p., ISBN 978-90-71093-57-9
Topics (ro): iluminism - dialectici - barbarism si islam; Iluminism - imigranti in Olanda; intoleranta si autoritarism
Topics (en): Enlightenment - dialectics - Barbarism and Islam; Enlightenment - imigrants in Holland; intolerance and authoritarianism
Position: NIAS-O.L.(5) UDC: 94(44)"17"
Series: NIAS: Ortelius Lecture; 5
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Abaza, Mona
The Changing Consumer Cultures of Modern Egypt: Cairo's Urban Reshaping/ Mona Abaza
The American University in Cairo Press, 2006, Cairo , (carte) xix, 310p., ISBN 978-977-416-044-8
Topics (ro): cultura de consum - consumator - Cairo - Egipt; sociologie urbana - remodelare urbana - Cairo; cultura de consum - Orientul Mijlociu
Topics (en): consumer culture - consumer - Cairo - Egypt; urban sociology - urban reshaping - Cairo; consumer culture - Middle East
Position: Lb-ABA UDC: 381.32
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Abélard, Pierre (1079-1142, teolog si filosof)
Abélard ou la philosophie dans le langage / Présentation, choix de textes, bibliographie par Jean Jolivet
Éditions Universitaires Fribourg, Suisse - Éditions du CERF, Paris, 1994, Fribourg - Paris , (carte) viii, 214 p., ISBN 2-204-05008-3, ISSN 1021-156X
Topics (ro): filosofia limbajului - Abelard - logica si gramatica - Evul Mediu; filosofie medievala - Abélard, Pierre (1079-1142) - filosofia limbajului - poetica
Topics (en): philosophy of language - Abelard - logic and grammar - Middle Ages; Medieval philosophy - Abélard, Pierre, 1079-1142 - philosophy of language - poetics
Position: A.14-VES (14) UDC: 130.2:81*Abélard, P.
Series: Vestigia; 14
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Abélard, Pierre (1079-1142, teolog si filosof)
Dialog intre un filosof, un iudeu si un crestin; Editie bilingva / Abelard; Traducere si note de Filotheia Bogoiu si Sorana Sorta; Prefata si tabel cronologic de Bogdan Tataru-Cazaban; Editie ingrijita de Adrian Muraru
Polirom, 2008, Iasi , (carte) 303p., ISBN 978-973-46-0867-6
Topics (ro): filosofia religiilor - Abélard, Pierre (1079-1142); dialogul religiilor - dialogul legilor ; monoteism
Topics (en): philosophy of religions - Abélard, Pierre (1079-1142); dialogue of religious - dialogue of laws; monotheism
Position: A.2-ABE UDC: 14(100)
Series: Traditia crestina; Colectie coordonata de Ioan-Florin Florescu si Adrian Muraru
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Abélard, Pierre (1079-1142, teolog si filosof)
Du bien suprême = Theologia Summi boni / Abélard ; introduction, traduction et notes par Jean Jolivet
Bellarmin; J. Vrin, 1978, Montreal; Paris , (carte) 135p., ISBN 0-88502-243-2
Topics (ro): filosofie medievala - Abélard, Pierre (1079-1142); teologie - doctrina trinitara
Topics (en): Medieval philosophy - Abélard, Pierre, 1079-1142; theology - doctrine of the Trinity
Position: MT/A-774 UDC: 189
Series: Cahiers d'études médiévales; 4
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. Abélard, Pierre (Petrus Abaelardus, 1079-1142, teolog si filosof)
Etica sau Cartea intitulata Cunoaste-te pe tine insuti/ Pierre Abelard; Traducere si note de Dan Negrescu; [ Postfata de Gheorghe Vladutescu]
Paideia, 1993, Bucuresti , (carte) 118p., ISBN 973-9131-05-0
Topics (ro): filosofie medievala - Abélard, Pierre, 1079-1142; Abélard, Pierre - etica
Topics (en): Medieval philosophy - Abélard, Pierre, 1079-1142; Abélard, Pierre - ethics
Position: MT/A-3158 UDC: 14*Abélard, Pierre: 17
Series: Colectia Cartilor de seama. Seria Editii definitive
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. Abélard, Pierre (Petrus Abaelardus, 1079-1142, teolog si filosof)
Oeuvres choisies d'Abélard/ Pierre Abelard; textes presents et traduits par Maurice de Gandillac
Aubier - Éditions Montaigne, 1945, Paris , (carte) 345p.
Topics (ro): filosofie medievala - Abélard, Pierre, 1079-1142; Abélard, Pierre - etica - filosofie medievala - teologie medievala
Topics (en): Medieval philosophy - Abélard, Pierre, 1079-1142; Abélard, Pierre - ethics - medieval philosophy - medieval theology
Position: MT/B-1304 UDC: 14*Abélard, Pierre: 17+2

10. Abélès, Marc; Bäck, Lucien R.; Bonte, Pierre; Claessen, Henri J.M.; Drucker-Brown, Susan; Gunawardana, R.A.L.H.; Khazanov, Anatolii M.; Kurtz, Donald V.; Lewis, Herbert S.; Lloyd, Peter C.; [...]
The Study of the State/ edited by Henri J.M. Claessen, Peter Skalnik
Mouton Publishers, 1981, The Hague, Paris, New York , (carte) xiv, 536 p., ISBN 90-279-3348-0
Topics (ro): stat - teoria statului; stiinte politice - stat - putere politica - functie sociala; jurisprudenta - stat
Topics (en): state - theory of the state; political sciences - state - political power - social function; jurisprudence - state
Position: Ja.2-CLA UDC: 321
Series: New Babylon: Studies in the Social Sciences; 35
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

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